Machine Translation Weekly 95: Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding – the Cooler the Metric, the Cooler it gets
This week I am returning to a topic that I follow with fascination (cf. MT Weekly #20, #61, #63, and #66) without actually doing any research myself – decoding in machine learning models. The preprint I will discuss today comes from Google Research and has the title Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding with Neural Metrics of Translation Quality. It shows that Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding can outperform beam search when done properly and that there might be some serious problems in how encoder-decoder-based MT is formalized.
In neural machine translation, we think (and tell students and tell each other) that we model the probability of the target sentence given the source sentence factorized over target words. With such a model, it makes total sense to formulate the translation process as searching for a target sentence that is maximally probable given the source sentence. The exact search is not tractable, so we approximate it using beam search, which works pretty well. But… things are not that easy. It actually appears that doing the exact search is worse than the beam search and there is no widely accepted explanation why beam search works that well.
Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding seems to offer a solution to the problem. The most probable sentence could be a random artifact of the model. On the other hand, a well-behaved model should have some other properties too: It should assign a similar probability to similar sentences (whatever similar means). Moreover, if we sample multiple sentences from the model, we will very likely sample many sentences which are similar to the sentences with high probability. Based on these two assumptions, we can end with the idea of sampling many possible translations and choosing the one that is most similar to all others – and this is it, this is Minimum Bayes Risk decoding.
So far so good. The really interesting question is choosing the similarity function, which is called the utility function in the papers. Obviously, the similarity should reflect the meaning similarity more than the orthographic similarity. The original paper opted for the METEOR score and got decent results in terms of BLEU.
In our recent preprint, we noticed that MBR that uses chrF as a utility function scores well with respect to chrF and BLEU, but is not that great when measured by COMET (a state-of-the-art machine-learned MT quality metric). The same observation also appears in the preprint from Google Research, but they take this observation much further. They experiment with MBR with recent high-quality metrics and discover the following pattern: Using a metric as a utility function always leads to scoring well in the metric that was used as the utility. But in the end, they also get much higher translation quality than using beam search.
The paper uses human evaluation to make the ultimate decision about the translation quality and shows that using BLEURT v0.2 as the utility function leads to the best results. (I wonder why they use BLEURT and not COMET. Is it because BLEURT is from Google and COMET not?) Surprisingly, the sentence BLEU is not a bad choice either, although much worse than BLEURT.
The main and the most distressing result of the paper is that what was considered the best translation in human evaluation is actually the worse both with respect to BLEU score (with two different sets of reference sentences!) and also has the highest perplexity given the model. Standard beam search on the other hand searches for low-perplexity target sentences. This strongly suggests that there is a conceptual error in how the target sentence probability is formulated.
Another takeaway from the paper could be that it might be worth doing this rather time-consuming decoding when generating data for knowledge distillation and distilling student models that can greedily generate sentences that are similar to the MBR outputs. It works with beam search, it might work here as well.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 95: Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding – the Cooler the Metric, the Cooler it gets",
year = "2021",
month = dec,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"