Machine Translation Weekly 61: Decoding and diversity
This week I will comment on a short paper from Carnegie Mellon University and Amazon that shows a simple analysis of the diversity of machine translation outputs. The title of the paper is Decoding and Diversity in Machine Translation and it will be presented at the Resistance AI Workshop at NeuRIPS 2020 (what a name for a workshop).
The main thing that the paper shows that is the translation quality measured in terms of BLEU score strongly negatively correlates with some desirable properties of machine translation that can be described with an umbrella term output diversity. This is even more disturbing when we take into account that the systems with high BLEU scores typically end up as indistinguishable from human translation in the WMT evaluation campaigns, even though the translations apparently lack properties that are crucial in human translation.
In the first part of the paper, they compare decoding by sampling from the model with beam search decoding. By sampling, they mean that at every decoding step, they do not take one best or several best tokens, but rather sample a random word from the distribution predicted by the model. Because the sampling leads to worse translation quality, they built another undertrained system that gets the same BLEU score with beam search as the state-of-the-art system gets when sampling from the better model. This experiment shows that beam search is biased towards more frequent personal pronouns and that it performs generally worse for shorter sentences. I am not sure though, how reliable these results are because I consider the undertraining as a rather suspicious move.
I liked the second part of the paper much more. They compare different beam sizes and variants of sampling from the next word distribution with different hyperparameters and compare the BLEU scores against various other measures: distributional n-gram similarity with authentic human translations, the proportion of feminine gender pronouns, and success rate of classifiers guessing if a sentence is machine-generated. The results show that the higher the BLUE score, the smaller the distributional similarity with authentic translations. The success rate of the classifier detecting machine-generated and authentic sentences first decreases and then increases again as the translations get presumably better. As in the first experiment, a very unpleasant finding is also that with the increasing BLEU score, the models tend to be more biased towards more frequent gendered pronouns (which is feminine pronoun sie in German because the pronoun is used also for the third person in the plural, and unlike English, gendered pronouns refer not only to persons but also to general nouns).
In my view, this paper confirms the trend that we can read multiple recent papers that training the model (and thus obtaining reasonable conditional distributions for individual tokens) is one problem, and decoding the best possible sentence using the probabilities if another problem, and apparently a tough one.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 61: Decoding and diversity",
year = "2020",
month = dec,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"