Machine Translation Weekly 66: Means against ends of sentences
This week I am going to revisit the mystery of decoding in neural machine translation for one more time. It has been more than a year ago when Felix Stahlberg and Bill Byrne discovered the very disturbing feature of neural machine translation models – that the most probable target sentence is an empty sequence and this it is a sort of luck that we decode good translations from the models (MT Weekly 20). The paper disproved the narrative of NMT being a relatively accurately trained model that knows well how the most probable target sentence looks like, but we only have an approximative algorithm that can get us a highly probable, but not the most probable target sentence.
Recently, two papers reacted to this finding: one suggested that we do not get the sentence that is the most probable, but also a sentence with even distribution of the model surprisal which corresponds to the uniform information density theory from psycholinguistics (MT Weekly 56). The other alternative approach says that we might not want the most probable individual sentence, but a sentence that well represents a cluster of similar highly probable sentences which together might be much more probable than the most probable individual sentence (MT Weekly 63). Both the papers agree that the models are trained well.
This week, I will comment on a paper that views this problem from a less theoretical, but very pragmatic engineering point of view and shows how to train the models slightly differently to get rid of this property. The title of the pre-print is Why Neural Machine Translation Prefers Empty Outputs and describes work done at DiDi Labs.
The thinking in the paper is as follows: Why does the decoding lead to short or even empty sentences? Well, because the end-sentence-token gets assigned probability that is too high. Why is it too high? Because it is a priori probable, it is every single sentence. When the model is unsure about what the next token should be, the end of the sentence might appear as a safe choice because it just has to be there somewhere.
When the problem is put like this, then the solution is relatively straightforward. In the paper, they propose using multiple different end-of-sentence tokens, one per target sentence length. And this is it: this change causes that the prior probability of each of the end-of-sentence symbols will be much lower and the inclination of the model to generate short sentences will be much smaller.
The pre-print went out on December 24, so my guess is that the authors wanted to have something out before the anonymity period of ACL started and hopefully, the final published version will answer questions that the pre-print leaves unanswered: Does this change exactly influence the translation quality with standard beam search decoding with length normalization? Is length normalization still necessary? Does the model always generate the correct end-of-sentence symbol with the correct number?
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 66: Means against ends of sentences",
year = "2021",
month = jan,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"