What is Neural Machine Translation Capable of?
A year ago at EMNLP in Lisbon I saw a paper called On Statistical Machine Translation and Translation Theory by Christian Hardmeier. He was standing in front of his poster and almost apologized to everybody who passed by his poster that the poster does not present any improvements in statistical machine translation — just reflects how it works with respect to the translation theory. Sadly, this interesting paper was published at the moment when the statistical translation started to be replaced by neural models based on deep neural networks. The neural translation is a big thing now, Google recently announced it is launching neural systems in its famous Google Translate.
In this post, we will have a look at whether and how did the issues from the paper change by introducing an entirely new class of models.
Dealing with Meaning
Traditionally, the translation was understood in terms of meaning equivalence. A text in a source language has a meaning in that language and we want to produce a text in a target language that has the same meaning, whatever meaning is. There was also another assumption that the meaning of the text arises from aggregating meaning of smaller parts (i.e., word, colloquial multi-word expressions and idiomatic phrases).
If this was really the case, the phrase-based statistical machine translation (i.e., the way machine translation has been done until now) would be a probably the best approach to solve the translation computationally. Statistical machine translation works with a notion of word alignment. Huge amounts of parallel texts are processed with a statistical model that finds out which phrases from the source language are frequently translated (aligned) to phrases in the target language. This is more or less what we call a translation model. The role of the model in the translation system is to ensure the linguistic equivalence of the text’s phrases.
Statistical systems contain also another model called the language model. It is capable of placing these phrases into a grammatically correct and fluent sentence.
There is also an alternative, sometimes called a cultural view on the meaning and consequently on how translation should work. It does it the other way round. Each text is a potential act of communication. An author of a text is trying to say something to its readers, to affect the readers somehow. The text, however, does have a meaning on its own (it is a series of funny pictures we call letters), it gets its meaning only when somebody reads the text — and at that very moment, communication is happening. Unlike the independently existing meaning that is attributed to the words themselves, communication is always contextual — it happens in the physical, psychological and most importantly social context — we could even say, it is the reader who ultimately constructs the meaning. Author’s intention either fulfills or not.
Translation itself is a form of communication as well. A translator communicates what she found in the source language (the meaning arises in the translator’s context) with a text she writes in a target language (the meaning arises in the final reader’s context). Obviously, the statistical translation does nothing like this — but the neural translation could at least simulate it.
Neural Machine Translation is Different
In the statistical translation, the system first guesses some translations of words and multi-word phrases in the source sentence. In the next step, it tries to construct a sentence in the target language under many constraints: each word from the source-language sentence should be translated exactly once; the phrases in the target language should be more or less in the same order as in the source sentences; it should look as fluent as possible given the language model; and we could find many other useful constraints. This is how machine translation worked from the late 1990’s until now.
Recently, this has been outperformed by so-called neural machine translation. A source sentence is first encoded into a vector of real numbers by a recurrent neural network, called encoder. It is then used by another recurrent neural network, a decoder that generates the sentence in the target language. You can imagine it as one machine that consumes the words of the input sentence and every time it receives a word, it changes its inner state (a vector of real numbers). When this is finished, we take this vector and put it into another machine that outputs words and every time it outputs a word, it changes its inner state. (In practice, it is more complicated, so called beam search is used, which we can imagine like running several of these machines in parallel and always keeping few best incomplete hypotheses and compare them at the end.) More advanced models are also capable to look how the encoder network represented the input words and using so called attention-mechanism — it can focus only on some parts of the input sentence.
While thinking about the neural systems, we can get rid of the notion of word equivalence entirely. The message of the input sentences is encoded into a numerical representation which is then used to generate a sentence in target language.
In the previous section, I said that the meaning arises from not only the sentence itself, but also the context in which it is received. A neural model can take it into consideration much more easily than the statistical models. There exist methods that are able to embed a whole text into a real-valued vector (they are used e.g., for similarity search or sentiment analysis). By adding this vector on the input of the network, the translation system can get aware of the linguistic context of the text, from which it can get notion of the social context. Social groups have their special ways of communication (so called sociolects), different language is used in different situations. If there is enough training data, the neural models are certainly able to distinguish the contexts just by observing the texts which reflect the contexts as a side effect. In statistical machine translation, it was done by so-called domain adaptation, there must have been a separate system for each of the domains (e.g., that you are translation sports news or a text for medical professionals).
What is next?
The neural machine translation is a very young method and therefore there is still a huge room for improvement. Similarly to the previous paradigm, people come with more and more tricks, how to train the model better and find new ways how to represent the input. Researchers in machine translation are very competitive, there is a competition on Workshop on Machine Translation where the researches introduce their new cool tricks every year.
Cross-lingual techniques also seem very promising. Google recently published a paper on cross-lingual language representation that can be used to train translation for language pairs we do not have much training data for, with the help other more resource-rich language pairs. Ultimately, all language data can be used to benefit any translation direction.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- What is Neural Machine Translation Capable of?",
year = "2016",
month = nov,
url = "https://jlibovicky.github.io/2016/11/29/What-is-NMT-capable-of",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"