Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in March 2022
Here is a monthly summary of what I found most interesting on arXiv this month from machine translation and mutlilinguality. This month was the camera-ready deadline for ACL 2022, so many of the interesting papers are accepted to ACL.
Overlapping BPE
When training, BPE merges actually do not have to follow the simple objective of merging the most frequent token pair. In massively multilingual models, there is an imbalance between languages, and some of them got segmented almost down to characters. Therefore, we might want to have a higher vocabulary overlap between languages. A paper from IIT Bombay and Google that will appear at ACL suggests mixing the interpolate the bigram frequency with a factor telling in how many languages the particular merge would appear. This leads to a higher token overlap between languages and in turn also to better zero-shot transfer when a multilingual model is pretrained with this tokenization.
Linguistic segmentation may sometimes pay off
Another paper (that will appear in Findings of ACL) that discusses input segmentation shows that linguistically meaningful segmentation can sometimes be better than heuristically learned subwords. The task in the paper was machine translation between Spanish and four polysynthetic languages (Nahuatl, Raramuri, Shipibo-Konibo, and Wixarika). The best segmentation method was a variant of Morfessor called LMVR.
Multilingual BERT as a knowledge base
Some people hope that pre-trained language models could be used for distilling factual knowledge (when prompted correctly). A pre-print from the University of Copenhagen shows that when try does it with pre-trained multilingual models, the factual answers are neither correct nor consistent across languages.
BERT is good with metaphors
A paper accepted to ACL from the University of Tehran probes contextual embeddings for the presence of metaphors. Long story short: it is indeed possible to detect metaphors relatively well and it is consistent across datasets and most importantly across languages.
Cultural values in contextual embeddings
Another preprint from the University of
Copenhagen studies cultural value in
multilingual models using the so-called Hofstede’s value survey. By using
prompts like Having time for family is [MASK]
, where the [MASK]
token can
be either replaced with important or unimportant, they try to evaluate how well
correlated the probabilities from the models with surveys on the same sets of
questions done in different countries. The result is that there is no
consistent pattern, the results even seem to be pretty random.
Better likelihood means better translation
There is an ongoing discussion on whether the standard beam search decoding (and maximum a posteriori inference in general) in machine translation makes sense, or in general, what is the best way to get good output from a model that models well conditional probabilities of individual tokens. A recent paper from ETH Zurich shows that for machine translation, it indeed roughly holds that the higher the likelihood from the model, the better the translation is according to human evaluation (even though, e.g., a pre-print from Google from the last November claims the opposite). In other tasks (such as story generation), is the relation between the likelihood in the model and human evaluation of the generated text.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in March 2022",
year = "2022",
month = apr,
url = "https://jlibovicky.github.io/2022/04/04/MTML-March",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"