Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality 02/2022
After 100 MT Weekly posts (which took me 130 weeks to write), I realized that weekly blogging is impossible while weekly teaching. So I decided to change the format of the post and write monthly summaries of what I found most interesting in machine translation and multilinguality. This is the first issue that summarizes what interesting happened in February.
Exciting news about WMT
There will be some exciting changes in WMT competitions. WMT is an annual conference on machine translation that organizes competitions in translation quality and other tasks related to machine translation. Tom Kocmi, who is now in charge of the competitions announced on Twitter that that main task, previously known as the News Task will contain multiple domains (news, e-commerce, social, and conversational texts) gets renamed to General Task. Also, more low-resource languages are to be expected. The change reflects the fact that translation of news in high-resource languages is almost solved (unlike all other MT use cases), but more importantly, these are typically large computational resources rather than creative ideas that help to win the competitions.
Another good news is that participants will no longer be required to provide hours and hours of manual evaluation (this will be done by sponsors), which makes the competition accessible for more research groups.
Studying COMET via Minimum Bayes Risk decoding
A pre-print from the University of Zurich comes with a creative way of assessing weaknesses of machine translation evaluation metrics using Minimum Bayes Risk decoding. MBR decoding does not aim to find the most probable translation. Instead, it randomly samples many hypotheses from the models and then selects the one that is the most similar to other sampled hypotheses. In the paper, they use COMET (the state-of-the-art metric for MT evaluation) as the similarity measure and analyze the specific features of the outputs. From this analysis, it seems that COMET tends to ignore errors in numbers and named entities, which is not evident from measuring the correlation with human judgment, simply because current MT models do not make these types of errors.
BERT can mask up to 40%
While pre-training BERT, 15% of input tokens get masked out and should be predicted by the model using the context. This rule of thumb sounds so reasonable that no one questioned it so far. An empirical study from Princeton University shows that 40% is optimal. Good to know.
Multiliguality and multimodality
There is also interesting news in the area of multilingual multimodal tasks. After announcing the IGLUE benchmark in January, there is was a shared task announced that focuses on zero-shot and few-shot visual question answering at the workshop on Multilingual Multimodal Learning at ACL 2022. The training data are only provided in English, but the models are tested in several different (and culturally distant languages).
Related to this, folks from Darmstadt published a pre-print showing tricks on how to the zero-shot transfer of visual question answering between languages much better than the IGLUE benchmark shows. First, they use a deeper classifier on top of the CLS token representation. Second, they do some tricks with freezing and unfreezing model parts during finetuning.
Czech-Ukrainian Translation
At Charles University, we are building a Czech-Ukrainian translation system that could help the Ukrainian refugees and Czech officials with communication in the upcoming weeks. If you know or have any parallel data that are not among the best-known ones, please let me know.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality 02/2022",
year = "2022",
month = mar,
url = "https://jlibovicky.github.io/2022/03/04/MTML-February",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"