Machine Translation Weekly 100: IGLUE as cool as igloo, multilingual and multimodal benchmark
This week I would like to feature a new multimodal-multilingual benchmark called IGLUE, presented in a pre-print that went out last Friday. The authors are from many place around the world: University of Copenhagen, Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, University of Cambridge, TU Darmstadt, New York University, and McGill University.
Following the best practices from established multilingual benchmarks, the new multimodal and multilingual benchmark evaluates zero-shot cross-lingual transfer with the multimodal tasks. Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer means a task-specific model (in this case, e.g., for visual question answering) is trained in English. However, because the sentence representation is (presumably) multilingual, the model should work in other languages as well.
The benchmark collects multilingual test sets for the following tasks:
Visual natural language inference: Decide what is the logical relation between two sentences given an image (one is a consequence of the other, they contradict each other or there is no relation at all).
Visual question answering: Answer a question about an image with a single word.
Visual reasoning: For two images, decide if a (tricky) statement is true for both images.
Image retrieval: Based on a textual description an appropriate image should be retrieved from a database.
The training sets for the tasks are English only, the test sets are multilingual. The authors paid a lot of attention to the choice of languages that is diverse and covers various languages families and various text sizes available for the languages.
The authors tested the existing multilingual and English-only models on the benchmark. The main takeaway from the baseline experiments is that existing multilingual multimodal models are very poor both zero-shot and few-shot learners. From what I am used to from text-only tasks, I would say it almost does not work at all. Machine-translating the test sets into English and using English-language multimodal models is far better than anything the multilingual models can do (even though there is no guarantee that the translation will still correspond to the respective images). Also, unlike purely textual models, few-shot learning makes actually no difference compared to zero-shot (unlike text-only models, where a dozen of training examples can make a huge difference).
I tend to believe that combining multimodality and multilinguality can help push forward artificial intelligence in general. The recent (and already famous) thought experiment with a deep-sea octopus argues that language modeling cannot be a path towards more general intelligence. Reporting bias prevents the models from learning about the reality (whatever it means) that drives the language behavior, particularly a common-sense grasp of the world and intentionality of utterances. I believe that multilinguality and multimodality can help to overcome this problem.
Concepts in different languages are not exact translations of each other. Modeling concepts multilingually thus requires having a more fine-grained representation of the underlying reality (whatever it means). Multimodality can help ground the concepts in something (at least partially) language-agnostic. Also, multimodality shows the models that there are important obvious facts people do not talk about. Perhaps, if the octopus not only listened but followed WhatsApp chats in many languages and with images, it could learn everything to pass the deep sea Turing test.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 100: IGLUE as cool as igloo, multilingual and multimodal benchmark",
year = "2022",
month = jan,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"