Machine Translation Weekly 94: Notes from WMT 2021
After the notes from EMNLP 2021, here is also an unsorted list of some observations from the Conference on Machine Translation.
Facebook AI won in many translation directions (not at all in all of them) in the news task with a multilingual system.
At the panel discussion about MT evaluation, Herman Nay expressed a controversial opinion: it does not matter what metric we use, the history of MT would be the same with any metric (that at least slightly correlates with what humans think).
- Probably partially true: The major breakthroughs brought such large improvements that would be obvious in any metric. But saying that would mean saying that most of the research is irrelevant and only the major breakthroughs matter and most of the papers (like those I write) do not have much value. Maybe it is true afterall.
Another provocative stance: Kenneth Heafield says that significance testing using bootstrap resampling is misleading, it only captures the variance of the test set, not the variance that comes from the randomness of the method. With a sufficiently large test set, every difference would be significant, regardless of the randomness of the training process.
Tom Kocmi replied that they have empirical evidence that significance testing with automatic metrics helps to decide if human annotators would consider one system better than another.
Rejoinder: considering any difference significant is a particularly weak baseline. Maybe simple common-sense-based thresholding would do the same job.
There was also a call for a central repository of translated test sets. With model-based metrics, there will be a need to reevaluate existing results, with better pre-trained models, there will be naturally also better metrics. But such a repository sounds too much like a leaderboard and leaderboards make people crazy… The community does not seem to be in favor of this.
All good evaluation metrics and QE metrics seem to use XLM-R as the underlying model.
Out-of-domain sentences seem to be problematic for model-based metrics. Bad news, but an unavoidable drawback of using machine-learning methods.
Findings paper of the efficiency tasks claims that they know a recipe for how to translate 10k times cheaper than cloud services (assuming model training and labor of developers is for free). None of the submissions to the task was non-autoregressive.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 94: Notes from WMT 2021",
year = "2021",
month = nov,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"