Machine Translation Weekly 92: Multilingual Machine Translation with Plug-and-Play Embeddings
Deep learning models are prone to so-called catastrophic forgetting when finetuned on slightly different data than they were originally trained on. Often, they also badly generalize when confronted with data that do not exactly look like those they were trained on. On the other hand, there are more and more tricks on how to just reuse a part of a model that was trained for something else and it just works. I could hardly believe when Tom Kocmi and Ondřej Bojar took some trained models, used them as initialization for totally unrelated languages and it worked much better than initializing the models randomly. Recently, a new similar “recipe paper” appeared on arXiv, advising to re-trained just word embedding and keep the other weights frozen. The title of the paper is Continual Learning in Multilingual NMT via Language-Specific Embeddings, is from Naver Labs Europe and will appear at this year’s WMT.
The task the paper deals with is adding another language into an existing multilingual machine translation model. If we do want to end up having multiple models, it would require re-training the model from scratch with the new language pair mixed in the training data. The papers suggest something in between having a single multilingual model and models for each language pair. What they propose is: keep all parameters of the model frozen and just re-train a new embedding table for the new language — as if the model was some universal machine and replacing the embeddings would be just loading a different program into it.
This works well on the encoder side, i.e., for translation from a new language. Adding a language on the decoder seems to be more tricky. (After all, understanding a language is usually easier than speaking a language.) On the decoder side, it requires adding adapter layers (if you don’t know what adapters are, read more about them, they are really cool). Actually, adapter layers also help on the encoder side, which sort of breaks my story about the model being a universal language processor with plug and play embeddings layers.
The story of the paper seems to me to be in principle similar to a paper about the adaptation of GPT-2 for other languages that I briefly mentioned two weeks ago. They also start with replacing the embeddings does most of the job and the “body” of the model only needs to be slightly finetuned. This brings me back to my obsessive idea of the “model body” being a universal processor and embeddings a program. Could it be so, or am I just fabricating conspiracies?
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 92: Multilingual Machine Translation with Plug-and-Play Embeddings",
year = "2021",
month = nov,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"