Machine Translation Weekly 77: Reference-free Evaluation
This week, I am will comment on a paper by authors from the University of Maryland and Google Research on reference-free evaluation of machine translation, which seems quite disturbing to me and suggests there is a lot about current MT models we still don’t quite understand. The title of the paper is “Assessing Reference-Free Peer Evaluation for Machine Translation” and it will be published at this year’s NAACL conference.
The standard evaluation of machine translation uses reference translations: translations that were produced by humans and that we believe are of high quality (although there could be a very long discussion about what high quality in this context means). Machine translation systems are evaluated by measuring the similarity of their outputs with these high-quality reference translations. The adequacy of the similarity measures themselves is validated by measuring how much the similarity scores correlate with human judgment on the translation quality.
This paper is a follow-up to previous results that showed that probability scores from a multilingual machine translation model are a very good estimator of the translation quality but in a different and much more reasonable setup. MT models are trained as conditional language models, which means that for an input sentence and a prefix of the output sentence, it computes a probability distribution of what symbol should come next. These distributions can be used for actual generating of the probable next words, but also for scoring of how probable a given translation is given the model. The original paper by Thompson and Post used multilingual translation as a zero-shot paraphraser. They trained a single model for translation between many language pairs at once, but in the end, they asked the model to translate to the same language as the source language. It caused the model to paraphrase the input. They used this model to measure how well the machine translation hypothesis paraphrases the reference translation – and this appeared to be a very good estimation of the translation quality.
The most recent paper, however, uses the translation models directly, not as zero-shot paraphrasers: they asked a different translation model (also trained in the multilingual setup), how probable the MT output would be given the source sentence in the multilingual model. Surprisingly, these scores correlate quite well with the human judgment, even though no reference translation was used. And even though the multilingual model itself would generate a worse translation.
Such evaluation has one undesirable property: outputs of the multilingual model get by definition a high probability given the model, although, we know that other models are better. The authors naturally suspected that such evaluation will be biased towards sentences that are more similar to the outputs of the multilingual model. The experiments show that it is not the case. This is cool, but I have no idea (and probably neither do the authors) how this can happen.
One trick the paper does is sampling different segmentations using sentence-piece and then ensembling the scores that they get with different random segmentations. This seems to be too little to explain this weird behavior.
The authors seem to be very happy about the result. The reference-free evaluation is almost as good as the standard evaluation but does not need the high-quality reference translations which are expensive to produce. The reference-free evaluation can be thus done on a much larger dataset and thus be in the end more reliable. I am on the other hand more concerned than happy about the results: they seem to show that there is something that we do not know about the models.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 77: Reference-free Evaluation",
year = "2021",
month = may,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"