Machine Translation Weekly 72: Self-Training for Zero-Shot MT
This week, I will have a look at a pre-print that describes an unconventional setup for zero-shot machine translation. The title of the pre-print is Self-Learning for Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation and was written by authors from the University of Trento.
First of all, I have some doubt about this being really an instance of zero-shot learning (but it is just nitpicking, the paper is interesting regardless of the terminology). In machine learning, zero-shot learning means that a model trained for task A is capable of doing task B without being explicitly trained for that. An example can be: a model is trained to perform sentiment analysis in English, but it can also do it in German because it was trained on top of multilingual representation. This would supervised learning for English, and zero-shot learning for German. In machine translation, the typical zero-shot setup means training a joint model translating from A to B and from C to D. it this is done correctly, the system can also translate from A to D without ever having an A-to-D training example.
In this pre-print, they start with an existing MT model, and using back-translation of monolingual data, they turn it into an MT system for a different language pair. The setup is therefore slightly different than classical zero-shot learning, but much more realistic, and more useful in practice.
The paper shows a method for a sort of unsupervised training of MT given that you have a model that can translate a related source language S into target language T. The model works well, but you are in fact interested in translating from U (that is related to S) into T and you only have monolingual data for U (and of course plenty of monolingual data for T).
The procedure that they propose works as follows:
Use the S→T system to translate U to T, this generates synthetic data (T is the synthetic side, U is the authentic side)
Use the synthetic data to train a T→U system
Translate monolingual T data to get another synthetic set (now, T is the authentic side, U is the synthetic side)
Train a new S→T system using both the dataset and iterate further.
They experiment with several low-resource languages, always paired with a high-resource one (Azerbaijani+Turkish, Belarussian+Russian, Galician+Portugeese, Slovak+Czech) and trained translation from and into English. There was a small amount of training data for each of the languages, so I would expect that using this small amount and do back-translation would be similarly good as initializing the system with related language and only use back-translation. This was, however, not the case. The gains were even higher when the models were initialized by multilingual models rather than the bilingual ones, but I tend to speculate that the reason might be that the bilingual parent models were trained on rather small datasets too. The multilingual parents might be better just because they just used more data in total.
At LMU, we are now organizing the next round of the WMT Unsupervised and Very Low Resource Task (will be announced soon; in addition to last year’s Upper Sorbian-German translation, it will feature Lower Sorbian-German and Chuvash-Russian translation). Methods like this one would make an excellent contribution to the challenge.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 72: Self-Training for Zero-Shot MT",
year = "2021",
month = mar,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"