Machine Translation Weekly 60: Notes about WMT 2020 Shared Tasks
This week, I will follow up the last week’s post and comment on the news from this year’s WMT that was collocated with EMNLP. As every year, there were many shared tasks on various types of translation and evaluation of machine translation.
News translation task
The news translation task is the oldest task at WMT and sort of a flagship task providing benchmarks for MT research in the long term. Test sets are created by manually translating recent news stories and new test sets are released every year. Originally, this task was targeted on sentence-level translation of high resource language pairs, but recently some language pairs are evaluated on the document level, and also a few low-resource language pairs were added.
This year, there were 168 entries from 37 institutions. When I superficially skimmed over the submissions, my impression was that most of the well-scoring teams did not anything really innovative (although the devil is in the details and the winners certainly paid a lot of attention to details). Most of the teams used the Transformer big architecture, used back-translation at scale, filtered data in a clever way, and did some sort of model ensembling, so nothing fundamentally different from the last year.
Human evaluation typically led to a few clusters of indistinguishable systems. Often human translation is in the same cluster (i.e., mutually indistinguishable) as human translation, especially when translating into English. Commercial systems are typically worse than the competing systems.
Another interesting observation was that in translation from English to German, different sets of human references scored differently. They were translated by different professional agencies with the same quality standard and with the same instructions, but it seems the translations are of different quality. What does it say then about the differences among the translation systems? This is sort of disturbing, isn’t it?
Here, the task is translation of noisy user-generated input that contains typos, smileys, and non-standard language (including slang, profanities or very toxic language). Similar to the news task, the techniques used by the competing teams were nothing groundbreakingly new or clever. Multiple teams used adapter layers to adapt the model trained for standard translation for the noisy data. Other teams focused more on data pre-processing.
I liked the way this task was evaluated. In addition to directly assessing the translation quality, the raters were asked to indicate if the sentence contains a catastrophic error, i.e., something that dramatically changes the meaning, so it is no longer a good translation. Data from the evaluation campaign might be a good complement to standard data for metrics evaluation. Using the data about the “catastrophic errors,” we might start to ask if the metrics separate the good and “catastrophically bad” translations in addition to ranking the translations in the same order as humans.
A sort of surprise was that there is no correlation of BLEU with the human scores which did not score that bad in this year’s metrics task. However, evaluation of this task includes several difficult questions: Should the translation keep the noise? Is it an error when the translation removes toxicity?
In the postediting task, the goal is to modify the output of a black box MT system, in the same way as a professional translator would do. Recently many interesting architectures were introduced (Laser Tager, Levenshtein Transformer, Seq2Edits) that might be well-suited for this task. Alas, all the submissions were just large sequence-to-sequence Transformers.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 60: Notes about WMT 2020 Shared Tasks",
year = "2020",
month = nov,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"