Machine Translation Weekly 47: Notes from the ACL
In this extremely long post, I will not focus on one paper as I usually do, but instead will show my brief, but still infinitely long notes from this year’s ACL. Many people already commented on the virtual format of the conference. I will spare you of that and rather talk about the content of the conference including a list of short summaries of papers.
Focus on Evaluation
Many papers commented on how we evaluate our models and many of those papers got awarded. This is great news! Evaluation (and especially the BLEU score in machine translation) was the elephant in the NLP room for a very long time, but most people just accepted the evaluation practice as rules of the game. (The game of getting papers accepted.)
I think it has something to with how competitive the field has become in recent years. The publication record is one of the main factors influencing researchers’ careers, which may result in pressure to publish as much as possible, not leaving much time to critically reflect not only the evaluation but also the broader impact of our work.
The new interest for evaluation is probably also connected with the black-box aspect of the models: with a rule-based or not so complex statistical model, you know what the model does, there is no need for a specialized dataset that will tell you that. I totally welcome this trend.
Research Ethics & Reviewing
I think this conference also showed that the community is not really able to deal with ethical issues related to NLP research. I will illustrate that on an example of one paper from the conference, but there several more papers that might be similarly controversial (yet did not resonate much in my Twitter bubble).
There was a very passionate discussion on Twitter about a paper on the gender gap in NLP. The paper shows that authors with first names stereotypically associated with male gender publish much more frequently and are more frequently cited. Even more serious issue is that with the growing academic age of the other (number years from the first publication) this gap is getting bigger. This is an alarming message to the community showing how non-inclusive the NLP research community is.
However, the problem with the paper is that the conceptualization of gender used through the paper and simplifying assumptions made in the paper can further deepen the stereotypes about people who identify themselves neither as male nor female. Many people find the conceptualization offensive and harmful, especially those who were for the sake of statistical analysis assigned gender they do not identify with without asking for their consent of being part of the statistics.
NB folx are **not** a variable that you can just throw away for the sake of simplifying your analysis.
— Luca Soldaini 🏳️🌈 (@soldni) July 8, 2020
And don't get me started of gender labeling individual based on their names. #acl2020nlp
The author took responsibility and very positively reacted to the feedback. The reason this paper was written is obvious that the author is very concerned about the inclusivity of the research community and the discussion that followed the paper clearly shows that. In my view, the story has a happy end, but it reveals the problems the community has.
The paper went through a peer-review at the most prestigious conference in the field. This discussion should have happened before the paper appeared at the conference. The peer review process should have ensured that the message of the paper is published without making any harm. The reviewers are also to blame.
On the other hand, if I were the reviewer, I would probably be overwhelmed by the alarming message the paper has about the community and (being myself a non-empathetic ignorant) I probably would not notice the ethical issues unless someone would tell me. I believe this is the case for many reviewers in the field which clearly shows that we need to reform how research ethics is reviewed. There certainly should be some training for the reviewers. Perhaps, there should be an additional review for research ethics if the reviewers or the authors ask for that. Maybe the ethical statements should be published together with the papers.
Paper overview
What now follows is my brief (subjective and non-representative) notes about some of the paper that I met at the conference.
Learning to Recover from Multi-Modality Errors for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation
- Partially non-autoregressive architecture: generate sector vectors in parallel, then generate autoregressive content of several-word segments.
- The model does not really learn end-to-end. They observe it makes errors and modifies training data to simulate the errors.
- I think semi-autoregressive methods are a good future direction, but I always imagined it the other way round: generate and few tokens in parallel and process them.
Modeling Word Formation in English–German Neural Machine Translation
- Morphologically motivated segmentation that captures word-formation works better than BPE.
- For me, the paper brings arguments for further investigating character-level methods that learn their own segmentation, frequency-based heuristics such as BPE miss a lot.
Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data
- Claim BERT-like models cannot learn meaning from forms only, because there is no intention and interaction in the training data. Without intention, there is no communication.
- We find responses of GPT-2 and similar meaningful because it is us who project meaning in the sentences.
- Pragmatic counter-argument: How can I know that all other people are not just GPT-7s and it is me projecting the meaning into what they say? Word forms can be observed. Behavior can be observed. Can we observe other intentions?
Character-Level Translation with Self-attention
- Adding CNNs in Transformer blocks narrows to the gap between character-level and word-level, but still worse than subwords.
End-to-End Neural Word Alignment Outperforms GIZA++
- Attention does not do word alignment very well, we all know that. This paper adds a specialized mechanism to work more like alignment (directly uses encoder states; forces the alignment matrix to be more contiguous).
- The resulting model translates and generates high-quality alignment at the same time, even better than GIZA++.
- I hoped for more explainability of model decisions via alignment. Here, the alignment is not an explanation for the generation, but rather an auxiliary task parallel to translation.
Content Word Aware Neural Machine Translation
- Distinguish content and non-content words using TF-IDF. Two ways of incorporating into MT: separate content word encoder, auxiliary loss in the decoder.
- Both seem to get small, but significant improvements in MT quality.
- My takeaway: Transformers do not really know what words are more important for sentence meaning. How could they if XENT loss treats all words equally.
Language-aware Interlingua for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation
- Fellow researchers, please do not use word interlingua!
- If someone told me: take what is out there and try to make a single system for all languages, this is what I would do (language embedding, translate in both directions, autoencoding, force similar encoder representation). I am glad I do not have to do it myself and can just have a look at the results.
- Pivoting is better than zero-shot! The same was with the Improving Massively Multilingual Neural Machine Translation and Zero-Shot Translation.
Tagged Back-translation Revisited: Why Does It Really Work?
- A nice empirical analysis that shows that tagged back-translation help translating natural sentences.
- Adding the back-translation tag at inference times helps to translate translationeese.
Language (Technology) is Power: A Critical Survey of “Bias” in NLP
- Critical is a reference to the Frankfurt School in philosophy/sociology, it does mean criticizing.
- Main message: NLP literature about bias often comes from an ivory tower, does not reflect how social hierarchies are reflected in the language (and how language is inherently structured to reinforce existing power hierarchies).
- Removing bias is often taken abstractly without taking into consideration those whom the technology might harm, and what the harm is.
- Implicitly claim that fairness is inherently normative and you cannot propose methods for mitigation bias without admitting what your normativity (i.e., your ideology) is. I am not sure if it is true, I would rather say, there can be agnostic debiasing methods and you can make normative decisions afterward.
Towards Transparent and Explainable Attention Models
- In the beginning, there is an observation that attention does not work as an explanation if the state that it attends are too similar to each other (you can then permute the distribution and nothing changes).
- Introducing a loss that enforces dissimilarity among the states almost does not harm the performance and helps the attention to provide an explanation.
On Exposure Bias, Hallucination and Domain Shift in Neural Machine Translation
- MT models often react to a domain shift by hallucinating fluent but unrelated content.
- Exposure bias is partially responsible: minimum risk training can help.
- Beam search size matters! The larger the beam, the more hallucination. That confirms what Felix Stahlberg and Bill Byrne showed that there is something wrong in the way we think we model the sequence probabilities (see MT Weekly 20).
On the Linguistic Representational Power of Neural Machine Translation Models.
- Morphology on lower layers, syntax, and semantics on higher layers.
- Granularity: character-level systems are much more aware of morphology, subwords are better for syntax and semantics
- They say character-models are better for Czech-English translation; this is opposite to what I found.
Returning the N to NLP: Towards Contextually Personalized Classification Models
- The paper promotes the idea that all NLP tasks should be personalized, it should make the NLP systems supposedly more natural and provide a better user experience.
- I totally disagree, personalization means collecting private data or customization based on stereotypes.
- Research in this area would only support the myth that AI needs personal data and companies need our personal data, so we are part of the technological progress. This is how we make ourselves colonized by data.
- The paper phrase the best interest of companies as a research program. This is probably one of the papers that would deserve a special review for ethics.
- Discovering what words are is a big challenge in human language acquisition, but in NLP, the models do not have to deal with it, inputs are already tokenized.
- They trained character-level LSTM NN and measured what it captures compared to word-level: POS tagging worse, lexical semantics worse, grammatical agreements approx the same.
- There are neurons that highly correlate with word boundaries.
Toward Gender-Inclusive Coreference Resolution
- Introduce the dataset for coreference resolution in English with all gendered stuff removed. The question is: can coreference resolution work without gender stereotypes?
- It is an interesting toy problem but does not open really interesting research directions. With a gender-free dataset, you can of course learn a gender-free model? But what would you do in language with grammatical gender that cannot be as easily separated from sociological gender (without e.g., changing gendered declination paradigms)?
- The truly unbiased coreference resolution should be able to learn not to stereotype even while having gendered data.
Translationese as a Language in “Multilingual” NMT
- Unsupervised classifier for telling for a translation pair if the sentence is original in the language or translationese. Use that to tag training data.
- Pose MT as zero-shot setup and compare modes: original to translationese, original-to-original. Human raters preferred the later one both in terms of accuracy and fluency.
- BLEU scores on source-original data tell the opposite of human judgment.
- This shows a serious problem for the behaviorist paradigm in MT: what do we want to do if we do not want to simulate how people translate?
Parallel Sentence Mining by Constrained Decoding
- Totally elegant: Build trie of target sentences, for each source sentence trie to force-decode the entire trie and prune, during the decoding, so you end up with the most probable sentence.
ENGINE: Energy-Based Inference Networks for Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation
- I think a more suitable title for the paper would be: more clever knowledge distillation for non-autoregressive models using directly an autoregressive teacher model.
- The non-autoregressive model is trained to produce tokens that are probable under a trained autoregressive model.
- It is actually more knowledge distillation that what is normally called knowledge distillation in NAR MT.
Learning and Evaluating Emotion Lexicons for 91 Languages
- Translate + classifier and that its. I am not sure if I am disappointed or pleasantly surprised. I would expect that cultural differences would make such a direct approach impossible.
- Is this paper projecting American values to the entire world? This is another paper that would deserve a thorough review of research ethics.
On The Evaluation of Machine Translation SystemsTrained With Back-Translation
- Another paper with a different method, but similar conclusions about back-translation. In terms of BLEU score back-translation helps a lot in the reverse translation direction (the unrealistic one), but not in the direct direction. In human evaluation, back-translation helps in both directions, but less in the reverse one.
- A combination of alignment scores from pre-trained representation and language modeling is a good QE metric. Is this a chance for unsupervised MT?
Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList
- A well-deserved best paper.
- We all know it, but it is always helpful to remind over and over again. Aggregated accuracy hides how buggy our models are, we know structured test sets that would tell us more. This paper shows a software engineering like methodology to do so.
The Unreasonable Volatility of Neural Machine Translation Models
- Minor changes in input cause major changes in the output. E.g., changing a number in the input which should only cause the same minor change in the output.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 47: Notes from the ACL",
year = "2020",
month = jul,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"