Machine Translation Weekly 45: Deep Encoder, Shallow Decoder, and the Fall of Non-autoregressive models
Researchers concerned with machine translation speed invented several methods that are supposed to significantly speed up the translation while maintaining as much as possible from the translation quality of the state-of-the-art models. The methods are usually based on generating as many words as possible in parallel.
State-of-the-art models do not generate in parallel, they are autoregressive: it means that they generate words one by one and condition the decisions about the next words on the previously generated words. On the other hand, all computations in the rest of the Transformer models can be heavily parallelized, such that they can process sentences almost in constant time with respect to the sentence length. Normally this applies only to the encoder because the decoder needs to proceed word by word anyway. This parallelism is of course very attractive for researchers that tried parallelize the decoding phase as well and generate all (or at least some) output words at once. These efforts led the to invention of so-called non-autoregressive models.
A recent preprint Deep Encoder, Shallow Decoder: Reevaluating the Speed-Quality Tradeoff in Machine Translation with authors mostly from the University of Washington shows that similar speedup and much better translation quality can be achieved by making the parallelizable encoder deeper and reducing the size of the decoder that generates the sentence sequentially. The only thing the authors did is that instead of using a 6-layer encoder and a 6-layer decoder, they used a 12-layer encoder and a single-layer decoder. And of course, they analyzed very carefully both the speed and the translation quality.
The paper rigorously studies the latency of machine translation systems by distinguishing two use cases:
Online translation when we translate sentences one by one and present it immediately to the user, and
Batched translation when we want to translate a large amount of text at once (and it does really make sense present it sentence by sentence).
Non-autoregressive models excel in the first type of latency, but papers about the models kind of forget to mention that they really suck in the second setup, sometimes being 10 times slower than the standard autoregressive models. The model promoted in this paper excels in both of the setups.
After reading the paper, I wonder what the future of the non-autoregressive models is. If I was supposed to deploy a low latency MT system in a production setup, I would definitely opt for an autoregressive one with a deep encoder and a shallow decoder. On the other hand, my humble introspective intuition (but who cares about introspection, language is a social phenomenon!) tells me that autoregressive generation is not exactly the most efficient and natural way of text generation. Usually, when I speak or write I do not feel like I think what to say next after every single subword unit, but I always know what the next few words will be. (Maybe psycholinguists or neuroscientists would tell me I do not.) So, perhaps some sort of semi-non-autoregressive approach would be the best: when it is clear what will follow generates the words in parallel and generate autoregressively otherwise. (It sounds like yet another opportunity for reinforcement learning.)
While reading the paper, I was also asking a question what does this paper say about how we do research. How did it happen that people started to work on non-autoregressive methods before trying out deep encoder and shallow encoder first? I can think of two main reasons:
Encoder-decoder models are often explained as conditional language models. It implies that the decoder is the most important part. The decoder is the language model and only uses the encoder as a sort of external memory.
Publication-driven research prefers a certain type of innovation. People might be afraid that simple ideas (like this one) can be considered trivial and not worth publishing. This is why people started to think about fancy solutions before trying a simple one.
Whatever the reason is, it seems our community Occam’s razor is not sharp enough.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 45: Deep Encoder, Shallow Decoder, and the Fall of Non-autoregressive models",
year = "2020",
month = jun,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"