Machine Translation Weekly 38: Taking Care about Reference Sentences
In the recent week, there were quite a lot of papers on machine translation on arXiv, at least a few of them every day. Let me have a look at one that tackles an important topic – machine translation evaluation – from a quite unusual perspective. When people talk about machine translation evaluation they usually point out the drawbacks of existing automatic evaluation methods and try to suggest better ones. The paper I am going to talk about thinks differently: what if the metrics are not that bad, what if there is something wrong with the evaluation data. The title of the paper is BLEU might be Guilty but References are not Innocent and comes from Google Research.
In general, it is hard to say what makes a good translation. To avoid thinking too much about this difficult problem, machine translation adopted an approach of behaviorist simulation. Some humans can translate between languages. They can also recognize what is a good translation and what is not. Great! This everything that we need to know to collect data and train a model that simulates human behavior when translating. Under these conditions it seems obvious how we should evaluate the models: we should measure, to what extent the system succeeded in generating a human-like translation, i.e., measure similarity with human translations. And a good measurement is a measurement that well correlates with human judgment, it is a simulation of how much humans like their own simulation.
The paper mentions findings of translation studies that translated sentences are different from sentences that are naturally written. The translated sentences tend to follow the word order and word choice of the source language, perhaps because it poses a smaller cognitive load for the translator. They call the language (or a dialect) of the translation translationese. Reference translation used for evaluation is exactly this kind of translationese. Having this in mind can surprisingly help with the evaluation.
The most frequently used evaluation metric is the BLEU score. It was originally designed to work with a diverse set of reference sentences. BLEU is an average of n-gram precisions weighted by a number called the brevity penalty. An n-gram is a sequence of n consecutive words in a sentence. The n-gram precision is a proportion of n-grams from the translation hypothesis that appear in the reference sentences, i.e., an n-gram is considered correct if it appears in at least one of the reference translations. The original study from 2002 clearly showed that the more references, the better the metric correlates with what humans think about the translation.
This is why the guys in Google decided to create additional, presumably, better quality reference translation to an existing evaluation set. After all, more translations are supposed to lead to more reliable evaluation. Further, they asked annotators to create paraphrases of the original and new references and the goal was to make the sentences sound more natural, less like translationese. Later they asked another group of people to independently rate all these translations. The alternative translations were slightly better than the original ones, the paraphrases were considered to be slightly worse translations.
They experimented with these different reference sentences and measured how the results correlate with human judgment. One surprising result: using multiple references does not help at all. Current machine translation systems are so much better than in 2002, so with multiple references, all the generated sentences get really high scores that do not really distinguish between the systems. Single references are better, but it depends on what reference you chose. The two equally good options seem to be:
Create two independent reference translations and then let a third person decide which one of them is better.
Create one reference translation and ask a second person to change as much as possible without changing meaning and then let a third person check if it is really so. (Even though the paraphrases themselves are not considered to be better translations.)
I am not really sure if it is good or bad news for the field. They clearly showed that high-quality reference sentences can lead to better evaluation even with existing evaluation metrics. This is certainly a positive result. However, the protocols to generate high-quality reference sentences are costly. They include paying hours and hours of expert work which might not be affordable for large public evaluation campaigns like WMT.
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 38: Taking Care about Reference Sentences",
year = "2020",
month = apr,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 07.02. 2025"