Machine Translation Weekly 13: Long Distance Dependencies
Let us follow up on the gender paper and have a look at other cases where machine translation does not work as well as we would like it to work. This time, we will have a look at a paper that talks about grammatically complex sentences that contain (as we say in the linguistic lingo) long-distance dependencies. The impact of these dependencies on machine translation is studied in a paper from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem called Automatically Extracting Challenge Sets for Non-local Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation that will appear at this year’s CoNLL (if the situation in Hong Kong will allow organizing the conference).
One case when we talk about relations occurs when the grammar of one of the languages forces words that are next to each other in one language to be further apart in the other language.
en | I have to go home by bus at 5 p.m. |
de | Ich muss um 17 Uhr mit dem Bus nach Hause fahren. |
Here, “go” and “fahren” are the same verbs, but German grammar forces it to be at the of the sentence.
The other type of long-distance dependencies is monolingual. Grammar rules often require agreement in gender, number or whatever category of words might be far from each other.
en | Quagga differed from other zebras mainly in color – it had the typical stripes on the head and neck only. |
cs | Kvaga se od ostatních zeber lišila především zbarvením – typické pruhy měla jen na hlavě a krku. |
Here, the predicate in the second clause “had” = “měla” depends on the subject of the first clause which is in the feminine gender. This is not reflected in the English pronoun “it”, so the decoder needs to somehow remember the gender of the subject from the first clause.
Long-distance dependencies were always problematic for machine translation. Statistical models operated phrase by phrase and employed a specialized reordering model that allowed the phrases in the target language to be in a different order than in the source language. It also poses a problem for recurrent neural networks. They process the input in a linear order. Resolving a long-distance dependency requires that in every step, the network must remember (and copy to the next step) that is still has something from the past to resolve, which appears to be hard for the networks to learn.
It may seem that the Transformer model must have solved this issue. It allows arbitrary reordering of the information between each of its layers, so it has even better theoretical prerequisites to work well in these situations. So-called non-autoregressive models for MT demonstrate that it really has strong reordering capabilities. However, the paper mentioned earlier shows that even though the models have the capacity to easily deal with long-distance dependencies, it just does not learn to do so.
The authors prepared small test sets extracted from existing parallel corpora using an automatic syntactic analysis and word alignment. Using a set of simple rules, there extracted hundreds of examples similar to what I showed here.
Although the Transformer is a much better MT model in general compared to recurrent neural networks, it appears to be more sensitive to long-distance dependencies. Nevertheless, both of them do a terrible job. The higher is the distance between the words that depend on each other, the worse translation you can expect.
The authors conclude that it means that the models do not learn “the structure underlying the phenomena” – but what they indeed learn remains a mystery. For the authors, it means encouragement for “explicit modeling of linguistic biases” in the NMT models by explicitly using dependency syntax while training the models. I am however skeptical, this can really help. If dependency syntax was the best way of representing a sentence, we would certainly already know it. Researches in NLP try to push it everywhere one way or another. State-of-the-art parsers rely on Transformers, so we know that they are capable of learning dependency syntax if they are forced to. On the other hand, it is evident that the same neural architectures do not internally use the dependency structure if they do not have to (this is after all the main findings of the paper that we discuss here). This, in my opinion, suggests that the correct (i.e., most useful for machine translation) structure must be something else.
In the end, the reason why long-distance dependencies pose a problem for current models might be in some sense similar to the problems of correctly resolving gender. To resolve the long-distance dependencies (which are of course everywhere in the data), you only rarely need to resolve what is going on as you do when you analyze the syntax and draw a dependency tree. Most of the cases can be probably resolved with simpler patterns.
BibTeX Reference
title={Automatically Extracting Challenge Sets for Non local Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation},
author={Leshem Choshen and Omri Abend},
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author = "Jindřich Libovický",
title = "Jindřich's Blog -- Machine Translation Weekly 13: Long Distance Dependencies",
year = "2019",
month = oct,
url = "",
note = "Online, Accessed: 05.12. 2024"